Net-Sights: A glimpse into the future of network-driven insights
Rnovo: Video demo
Rnovo is a service that allows you to perform online all the steps and payments needed to register a trademark in a certain country, bringing the user the assistance and specialised help during the process, plus offering the most competitive prices in the market. I participated in Rnovo as one of the co-founders in Chile back in 2008.
This platform was the first of its kind in Latin America and it is still in active service (I left the company when I went to the UK to study my masters).
Presentation: Exploring academia as a complex socio-technical system of information transformation
Guest presentation at the Data Science Training for Librarians DST4L Implications and applications of using current existing academic data, such as the one found in PURE repositories, using network analysis, Tableau and a good deal of creativity.
Webminar: PhD & Research Opportunities in Denmark
Researchers have become increasingly internationally mobile. In fact, being mobile early on in your career undoubtedly enhances your prospects and skills by expanding your networks and access to a larger research community.
PhD Thesis – Defense Presentation
Entrevista: ¿Cómo acelerar el crecimiento de un negocio a través de la innovación?
Pedro Parraguez, ingeniero comercial e investigador doctoral DTU Management Engineering, nos cuenta su experiencia en temas relacionados con las redes de colaboración, la innovación abierta y el emprendimiento.